Thursday, May 13, 2010

How does Studebaker Orthodontics "Go Green"?

Dr. Studebaker and team were recently asked: what steps does Studebaker Orthodontics take to make the office more environmentally-friendly?

Great question!

* We are a paperless office (our charts are digital, which means no paper!)

* We use digital X-rays, no chemical, no developing film - great!

* We recycle magazines, phone books, card boxes, and we even recycle printed paper by printing our reports on the non-printed side. (We only recycle papers that contain nonsensitive information on it, of course).

* Wonder why we ask for patient’s email address? We send appointment reminders via email, communicate as much as possible through email and even send electronic statements if needed. We only send printed statements at our patients' request, and only send them if patients are 30 days past due.

* Dr. Studebaker often conducts meetings online with some of his patient’s professionals, so no printed paper is used for those meetings.

* Lastly, we are always looking for ways to go Green, and are always asking patients for feedback: How do you think our office could be more environmentally friendly?

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