Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mouth guards and sports injuries, with Dr. Studebaker

Wouldn’t you believe it, it’s already springtime! Dr. Studebaker is well-aware, however, that spring months bring an increase in outdoor activities and a greater chance of kids damaging their precious pearly whites. If you play sports, it's important that you consult Dr. Studebaker for special precautions, such as wearing a mouth guard. A protective mouth guard is advised for playing spring sports such as baseball, soccer, lacrosse and others. Be sure, however, to avoid mouth guards that custom form to your teeth as these will resist any tooth movements Dr. Studebaker is trying to achieve.

In case of any accident involving the face, check your mouth and the appliances immediately. If teeth are loosened or the appliances damaged, please schedule an appointment with our team. And don’t forget to ask us—Dr. Studebaker will provide a mouth guard for any patient in active treatment. Only by using a mouth guard and other forms of facial protection can kids with and without braces avoid serious sports injuries. Please give us a call if you have any questions about mouth guards or your treatment at Studebaker Orthodontics.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

At Studebaker Orthodontics, access to your account any day, any time

Access to your account, 24/7. Sounds nice and convenient, right?

Patients at Studebaker Orthodontics enjoy access to their account 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through our web site. You may look up your appointments and all of your account details at your convenience, all from the comfort of your own home! You can even receive appointment reminders through email or text messages!

Just see what some of Dr. Studebaker's patients are saying about this innovative service:

"It's great when I have to explain to my husband what happened at the office and he can see what I am talking about. It also helps me in showing people how up to date high tech they are for referrals." ~ Loren L.

"I was able to view my pictures and compare what services I going to receive versus another ortho company. It was very helpful, and I didn't have to go in and request the pictures." ~ Richard R.

"I like the fact that I can make my payment and view my balance, check my appointments and basically view anything regarding my son's account." ~ Kim W.

"This service makes me feel like Dr. Studebaker is open to his patients having access to their important information and that his office is more than willing to communicate with us." ~ Susette M.

You, too, can sign up for this convenient service on our web site by clicking on the "Patient Login" button on our homepage. Please give us a call if you have any questions about getting started!

Friday, March 12, 2010

March Leprechauns at Studebaker Orthodontics!

Dr. Studebaker and our team want to know: Can you guess the number of leprechauns in our office? Now until March 31st, come in to Studebaker Orthodontics and go on an exciting leprechaun hunt and enter a chance to win a Pot of Gold worth $75.00!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dr. Studebaker wants to know: What are you up to in March?

Would you believe, it's almost springtime! The daffodils and buttercups are on their way, fresh Rhubarb is ready to be picked, the birds are chirping, the sun is warming up and the smell of freshly-cut grass is wafting from baseball fields nearby. Dr. Studebaker and team thought this would be a good time to ask: What are your plans for March?

Are you ready for spring? Are you participating in school sports? Do you have exciting plans? We’d love to know them all!

You may share your stories or plans with our team here, on our Facebook fan page or by giving us a call!

P.S. While you’re on our Facebook page, become a fan of Studebaker Orthodontics!